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Growing in Beauty
Early Intervention Program

The Growing in Beauty -‘Hozhóógo Jinóóseeł‘ is a program that is based on the Navajo desire for all Navajo Children to grow into beautiful individuals. The Growing in Beauty Early Intervention works with families of young children who may exhibit development delays or has a disability, by providing direct services and supports. Services are available to Navajo families who live on or near the Navajo reservation for Arizona and New Mexico.

Early Intervention Services:

Service Coordination
  • A service provider will meet and greet the family to complete intake, schedule evaluation, and assist in developing an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) and Transition.
Team Base Model
  • The Early Intervention team work together with the following Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), Arizona School for Deaf and Blind (ASDB), New Mexico School for the Deaf and Blind (NMSDB) to ensure families are connected to receive appropriate support and resources
Evaluation & Assessment
  • A comprehensive development evaluation will be completed for the child to identify specific services. Ongoing monitoring through assessment and screenings are to assure that the child is growing healthy.
Parent Training & Resource
  • Parent Training is offered to families through the Growing In Beauty program. These trainings are evidence base and strategies are developed to support best practices for early childhood development, parent skill and activities.
If you are interested in the program.

Click Here

"You are special, You are unique, and You count."
- Grandma Marjorie Thomas (Navajo)

Early Intervention Information:

Arizona (AzEIP):

Arizona Raising Special Kids:

New Mexico FIT:

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